Welcome back to my blog! I can’t wait to tell you all about some of the spooky and interesting Connecticut cryptids. I honestly didn’t realize that Connecticut has so many cryptids! It was very hard to choose from all of them. Despite Connecticuts small size, they have so much spooky places and creatures.
Let’s Get Into Connecticut Cryptids!
Connecticut Sea Monster

Connecticut’s sea monster cryptid is a mysterious creature said to inhabit the waters of the Long Island Sound off the coast of the state. The creature, often referred to as “the Connecticut Monster,” is described as having a long neck, a wide head, and a long tail. It is said to be dark gray in color and can reach lengths of up to 30 feet. The first reported sighting of the creature was in 1758, when a British sailor claimed to have seen it swimming in Long Island Sound. Since then, there have been numerous other sightings reported from across the state, including from Greenwich, Stamford, and even New Haven. In recent years, the Connecticut Monster has become a popular topic of conversation among locals and has even been featured in a number of TV shows and films.
Despite its mysterious nature, the creature has become part of the state’s folklore, with many claiming to have seen it over the years. The Connecticut Monster is also a popular subject of cryptozoological research. Researchers have studied the creature’s reported sightings in order to determine what it could be. Some believe it could be a large eel, while others believe it could be some sort of unknown species of aquatic mammal. No matter what it is, the creature remains a mysterious and fascinating part of Connecticut’s history, and it continues to capture the imagination of locals and visitors alike.
Melon Heads
The Connecticut Melon Heads are a cryptid, reported to inhabit the woods of Fairfield County, Connecticut. They are described as having large, malformed heads, supposedly due to cranial deformation caused by a long-forgotten 19th-century medical procedure. The origins of the Melon Heads can be traced back to a mental institution in Fairfield County known as Fairfield Hills Hospital. According to local legends, the hospital was home to a group of mentally disabled children who were subjected to a craniotomy, a procedure in which a portion of the skull would be surgically removed.The procedure was meant to reduce the size of the head and was thought to be beneficial to patients suffering from mental illness. The children were allegedly released into the surrounding woods after the institution closed in the mid-1900s.
Sightings of the Melon Heads have been reported in the area ever since, and they are said to be harmless, shy creatures that flee at the sight of humans. The Melon Heads are an intriguing cryptid, and their origins remain a mystery. While some believe they are the result of a long-forgotten medical procedure, others argue that they are simply an urban legend. Whatever the case may be, the Melon Heads remain a source of fascination for those interested in the paranormal. Check out more information on them at this website.
The Black Dog of Hanging Hills

This cryptid that is said to haunt the Hanging Hills area of Connecticut. The creature is said to be a large, black, shaggy dog that is often seen walking around the area and sometimes even seen standing on the cliffs of the Hanging Hills. Many have seen it bark/howl, but no sound comes out. It also leaves no footprints to be found. The origins of the creature are unknown, but sightings of the creature started around 1898.
Many believe that if you see the dog once it brings joy, twice is for sorrow, and the third time means death. There have been many reported sightings of the creature in the area. At least six deaths have been attributed to this mysterious hound. Many people in the area believe it is best to avoid the creature at all costs. This article has a story about a man named Herbert Marshall and his encounter with this cryptid. Would you dare set foot in Hanging Hills?
The Winsted Wildman
The Winsted Wildman, also known as the Winchester Monster, is a cryptid reported to inhabit the town of Winsted, Connecticut. Reports of the creature date back to 1779. When a group of local farmers allegedly encountered the beast while hunting in the nearby forest. Witnesses describe the creature as a large, hairy bipedal humanoid, approximately seven to eight feet tall, with long arms and claws.
The creature has reportedly been sighted on numerous occasions throughout the years, and as recently as 2017. In addition to its appearance, witnesses have described the creature as having a strong, unpleasant odor and emitting a loud, guttural growl. Some reports also suggest that the creature is capable of leaping great distances or scaling trees. The Winsted Wildman has been the subject of numerous books and articles. If you would like some more information on this cryptid check out this article. Do you think this creature exists?
The Glawackus

This creature is said to be part dog, bear, and cat. The Glawackus also has a blood-curdling scream. Many first eyewitnesses reported seeing a huge cat, but over the years and through multiple sightings the description got more detailed. This creature is said to have terrorized Glastonbury and the surrounding areas. The creature would attack livestock and pets. It was never caught. Despite the locals putting together a hunting party and doing a thorough search of the area in the year 1939.
The creature went into hiding for about a decade and a half. The Glawackus came out of hiding in the mid 1950’s for a while. Terrorized all the way north and as west as Granby. After this short spurt of terror. The Glawackus went back into hiding. No one has seen it since, though some still say that the Glawackus is still stalking the woods around Glastonbury
Thank You For Reading Connecticut Cryptids!
Let me know what you think down below, are these creepy critters real or fake? If you can’t get enough cryptids make sure you check out my USA Cryptids page for different state’s cryptids. If you want more of just spooky Connecticut check out the haunted places of Connecticut. Comment down below if you have had any encounters with these cryptids. Or if you have another Connecticut cryptid that I should do!