Welcome to any new readers and welcome back any previous readers! Come with me to explore some crypts of Arkansas. Arkansas has some interesting cryptids and it was so fun researching them. Some of these get a little wild and crazy with these stories.
Buckle up and get ready for these Arkansas Cryptids!
White River Monster

The mystery of the White River Monster, aka “Whitey” has been in Arkansas since 1915. The man that saw it described it as wide as a car and three cars long with gray skin. The people tried to build a rope net to catch it, but couldn’t due to lack of money and materials. Another sighting was in 1937 who described it similarly, but said it had the face of a catfish. A deep sea diver tried to find it, but ultimately failed. At the time there were over 100 sightings.
In the summer of 1971 one witness described it with a bone protruding from its forehead. It looked like it was peeling all over, but still smooth. This witness also claimed that it made the sound that sounded like both a cow’s moo and a horse’s neigh. Some say that they have seen tracks that they claimed to be the White River Monsters. It’s been described as having three toes and 14 inches long. Some witnesses have described it as having a spiny back as well. In 1973 there was actually a law that Senator Robert Harvey created the White River Monster Refuge. It made it illegal to harm the monster as someone wanted to use dynamite to blow it up. If you would like to learn more about the White River Monster this website is great.
Fouke Arkansas Monster
The Boggy Creek Monster is another name for it. This cryptid is another Sasquatch-like creature. Many report it being both 7 feet tall and 10 feet tall. The Fouke Monster is covered in long dark hair with dark red eyes. It is also extremely fast and agile and runs similarly to a monkey. The stench of both a skunk and wet dog follow the creature. It’s located in the creeks that extend from the Sulphur River Bottoms in south Arkansas to Fouk, AR.
The Legend of The Boggy Creek Film is a movie that was inspired by an encounter. It takes place in May 1971 and Bobby Ford reported attack. Ford said that the creature tried to grab him, but he was able to break free. Bobby Ford was terrified and ran so fast that he ran into the front door. He was treated at the local hospital for minor scratches and shock. Ford claimed that the creature had been around his house for several days. There were other eyewitnesses, his brother, a hunting buddy, and Ford’s wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth said that she was asleep in the front room. When she woke to see a hairy arm with claws coming in through the window. Luckily Ford and his hunting companion saw the creature and shot it. Ford ran after the creature when he heard her screaming. On his way back to the house is when his attack happened.
The sheriff’s department investigated the area and saw tracks and claw scratches. There are some books that you can buy to learn more of the stories of the Fouke Arkansas Monster. This website had some fantastic information on the Fouke Monster.
Heber Springs Water Panther

The origins of the Water Panther come many different native american tribes from around the area. Ojibwe, Algonquin, Cree, Ottawa, Menominee, and Shawnee tribes.
The Panther is described to be like if Bigfoot and a puma had a baby. In Native American Tribes the panther is a malevolent spirit that would drag people underwater to their deaths. It is said that when Greers Ferry Lake was made, between 1959 and 1962. The panther’s habitat was flooded so, fewer reports were made about sightings of the panther. That is until about 1966 when sightings of the water panther would come up regularly. Instead of roaming the woods it was now seen swimming in the lake.
Many people claim that they saw the water panther either entering or leaving a cave on the northern shore. Another person, a diver, actually came across the water panther while scuba diving. The diver said that it had thick dense fur and that it moved very quickly through the water. The water panther had ripped off the diver’s mask. Luckily the diver was able to fight it off and get to the surface. Despite being in shock and lacerations all over. Some people say that you can hear it screaming from its cave. If you would like to learn more this link has a little more information on the Heber Springs Water Panther.

This cryptid is located in the Ozarks of Arkansas. It’s described as all white, it looks like a large deer. It’s usually said to have plum or dogwood branches in full bloom instead of growing antlers. Some say that the Snawfus causes the blue haze over the Ozarks from exhaleing blue smoke. It is also said that it has the ability to fly and jump into trees.
Origins vairy. Some stories say that it was captured by an orchardist who grafted the Arkansas black apple onto its antlers. Another is about a pioneer that was hunting in the woods and ran out of bullets. So, he decided to use plum pits instead. The pioneer found an albino deer and shot it in the head. But, the deer got up and ran away. Later the man heard stories about an albino deer with plum trees growing from its head instead of antlers. Even seeing an albino deer in the Ozarks is considered a bad omen. Coming across the Snawfus is a sign of imminent death. This was a very interesting creature to learn about. If you would like to know more about it this website has some more stories of the Snawfus.
Arkansas Gowrow

This cryptid is said to live in the caves of northern Arkansas. It’s 20 feet long with two large tusks, large webbed feet that end in claws. It also has a row of short horns that run down its back. A long thin tail that has a blade-like ending. The name Gowrow was given to it because of the sound that it makes. In 1897 a posse was formed to go get this monster.
When they abused the creature it ripped up several trees. It also took the leg off of one of the posse members. After the posse managed to kill the Gowrow, they sent it to the Washington DC museum. It never arrived. There even was another man from Mena who claimed to have captured another Gowrow. Many believe that the Gowrow is actually a species rather than one single cryptid. Mean was going to display it to anyone who would pay a quarter. Once there were enough people the man would come out from being the curtain. His clothes would be torn up and said that it had escaped. Many people do believe that the Gowrow is fake because of these incidents. If you would like to learn more check out this website with more information on the Gowrow.
Thank You for Reading!
These were some exciting stories to tell and read about. Especially the White River Monster where someone tried to capture it and tried to blow it up. Who can forget the man that was so scared that he ran into the door. Don’t forget to check out Arkansas’s haunted houses, if you dare! Let me know down in the comments below if you think these were/are real.
About the Spook Shack
The Spook Shack is…A blog that I decided to start to learn/teach about the haunted places and cryptids. So far, I am working on the 50 states with five cryptids and haunted places/houses. I plan on going out of the USA and into other countries with their cryptids/haunted places.
Very nice article, totally what I was looking for.